Q-P1x3l Origins...

The What and Why?
Q-P1x3l (pronounced Quh-ˈpiksəl) is inspired by (among others) 4 things...

Douglas Adams a luminary inspiration and the source of the answer 42

And a trio of comics awesome in their own sense...
Questionable Content by Jeph Jacques
Piled Higher and Deeper by Jorge Cham AND
XKCD by Randall Munroe

I know none of them personally (or rather they don't know that I exist)... but reading their work gives me ideas of my own.
And so Q-P1X3L was born... It tips its hat to its inspirations by:
a. Its name... Q,P,X
b. And accepting it cannot give you the answer '42' but something short of it... (I leave it to you to discover that works...)

The How & What?
I am not formally trained in drawing and frankly I suck at drawing human figures. So this comic is a learning process and eventually I hope to get better... at Inkscape which I use to draw...

Content is not meant to be coherent and follow story-arcs... I personally prefer Pulp Fiction style narratives... so don't expect much...

When and Where to?

The chronology is easy to see on the 'Previously on Q-P1X3L' page and I aim to update every Monday...
I believe in short and achievable goals... so crossing the 50-post mark is the very first goal... anything further is too far into the future to think about.